Sunday, 18 May 2014

Samstag: Schlachtensee

We haven't seen many weekends since we've been here in Berlin.

Or, to be more specific, we haven't seen much weekend daylight. It may sound ridiculous, but the nocturnal beer-soaked lifestyle rather tends to wipe out any kind of activity during the day (any approximately half of the memories from the night before). Seriously. Oli and I were actually proud of ourselves for making it out of the house when the sun was still up last Sunday.

It's very easy to get locked into this sleep all day, party all night cycle, so this weekend we decided to eschew the clubs and embrace the sunshine. It was so nice to roll out of bed before 3pm this Saturday, feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world.

We couldn't have picked a better day to escape the city, as the whole place was awash with football numskulls on their way to the Bayern vs Dortmund match. After battling our way past the hordes of fans clogging up Warschauer Str, we took the long route to Schlachtensee and settled down on the bank with a poor man's picnic, badminton rackets and a couple of beers (it had to be done). The lake waters were icy despite the gorgeous weather, but I just couldn't resist hopping in for a swim and a spot of mallard-bothering.

Bis bald,
Betti Baudelaire xxx

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